C ++ STL 中的堆make_heap(),push_heap(),pop_heap(),sort_heap(),is_heap,is_heap_until()

C ++ STL 中的堆make_heap(),push_heap(),pop_heap(),sort_heap(),is_heap,is_heap_until()

堆是C ++或任何其他编程语言中最流行的数据结构之一。可以使用内置函数(如make_heap(),push_heap(),pop_heap(),sort_heap(),is_heap,is_heap_until())在堆中执行许多操作,例如删除,更新堆数据结构中的数据。在C ++语言中给出了堆数据结构中函数的实现如下。

C ++ 代码

// Here we are writing down the C++ Programming language code
// To demonstrate the concept of Heap in C++ STL | make_heap(),
//push_heap(),pop_heap(), sort_heap(), is_heap, is_heap_until()
using namespace std;
//The main code functionality starts from here
int main()

    // the below structure to create a vector is statically
    // used to create the vector of elements listed below
    vector v1 = {240, 360, 5440, 525, 115};

    // the below small code snippet helps us with converting 
    // the to a heap from a vector using the C++ in built-in
    // function make_heap()
    make_heap(v1.begin(), v1.end());

    // Displaying the maximum element of the heap
    // using front()
    // the below cout statements help us with displaying the 
    // maximum or the highest element that we have in our
    // heap, which we have created
    cout << "highest element in a heap created by us is: ";
    cout << v1.front() << endl;

    return 0; }


the highest element in a heap created by us is: 5440


// Here we are writing down the C++ Programming language code
// To demonstrate the concept of Heap in C++ STL | make_heap(),
//push_heap(),pop_heap(), sort_heap(), is_heap, is_heap_until()
using namespace std;
//The main code functionality starts from here
int main()

              // the below structure to create a vector is statically
    // used to create the vector of elements listed below

    vector v1 = {2540, 6650, 4460, 2665, 9915};

    // the below small code snippet helps us with converting 
    // the to a heap from a vector using the C++ in built-in
    // function make_heap()

    make_heap(v1.begin(), v1.end());

    // the below cout statements help us with displaying the 
    // maximum or the highest element that we have in our
    // heap, which we have created

    cout << "highest element in the heap created by us is: ";
    cout << v1.front() << endl;

    // the below small cos=de snippet helps us with using 
    // the push_back() function in C++ to enter the elements
    // in vector

    // the below small code helps us with using the built-in
    // push_heap() to 
    // reorder elements in the vector which we have created
    push_heap(v1.begin(), v1.end());

    // the below cout statements help us with displaying the 
    // maximum or the highest element that we have in our
    // heap, which we have created after performing dot front
    cout << "highest element in a heap after performing the operation is: ";
    cout << v1.front() << endl;

    // the below small code snippet helps us with
    // using pop_heap() to delete maximum element
    // from the heap which we have created 
    pop_heap(v1.begin(), v1.end());

    // the below cout statements help us with displaying the 
    // maximum or the highest element that we have in our
    // heap, which we created after performing the pop
    // operation in a heap is

    cout << "highest element in the heap after performing pop operation is: ";
    cout << v1.front() << endl;

    return 0;


the highest element in a heap created by us is: 9915
the highest element in a heap after operating is: 9915
the highest element in a heap after performing the pop operation is: 6650


// Here we are writing down the C++ Programming language code
// To demonstrate the concept of Heap in C++ STL | make_heap(),
//push_heap(),pop_heap(), sort_heap(), is_heap, is_heap_until()
using namespace std;
//The main code functionality starts from here
int main()

    // the below structure to create a vector is statically
    // used to create the vector of elements listed below
    vector v1 = {2540, 6650, 4460, 2665, 9915};

    // the below small code snippet helps us with converting 
    // the to a heap from a vector using the C++ in built-in
    // function make_heap()
    make_heap(v1.begin(), v1.end());

    // the below cout statements help us with displaying the 
    // maximum or the highest element that we have in our
    // heap, which we have created

    cout << "The heap elements are : ";
    for (int &x : v1)
    cout << x << " ";
    cout << endl;

    sort_heap(v1.begin(), v1.end());

    // Displaying heap elements
    cout << "The heap elements after sorting are : ";
    for (int &x : v1)
    cout << x << " ";

    return 0;


The heap elements are: 9915 6650 4460 2665 2540 
The heap elements after sorting are: 2540 2665 4460 6650 9915










