C++ 最大化从字符串S中重复删除字符串P或其反转的成本

C++ 最大化从字符串S中重复删除字符串P或其反转的成本



// Here we are writing down the C++ programming language code to 
// demonstrate the concept of Maximize cost of repeated removal of string P
// or it's reverse from the string S
using namespace std;

// This is the function that helps us with finding out the maximum cost of
// removing the substrings "hg" and "gh" from the string input S for us
int MaxCollection(string S, int P, int Q)
    // The MaxStr function helps us with the function. It is the substring char
    // array with higher cost in our function code written
    char maxstr[2];
    string x = (P >= Q ? "ab" : "ba");
    strcpy(maxstr, x.c_str());

     // The MaxStr function helps us with the function. It is the substring char
    // array with a smaller cost in our function code written
    char minstr[2];
    x = (P >= Q ? "ba" : "ab");
    strcpy(minstr, x.c_str());

    // the below code snippet helps us with denoting the larger point code
    int maxp = max(P, Q);

    // the below code helps us with denoting the minor point in the code
    int minp = min(P, Q);

    // the below code snippet helps us with storing the cost-scored code
    int cost = 0;

// The below small code snippet helps us with Removing all occurrences of
    // the master from the string S given for us as in the form of input

    // the below code snippet helps us to create the Stack data structure // to, which keeps track of characters in the code functionality
    stack stack1;
    char s[S.length()];
    strcpy(s, S.c_str());

    // here, we are trying to create a loop that can traverse the string
    // using the in-built auto code in the Standard Template Library(STL)
    for (auto &ch : s) {

        // this is a checking condition if the substring is the same as maxstr

        if (!stack1.empty()
            && (stack1.top() == maxstr[0]
                && ch == maxstr[1])) {

            // deleting using the Pop operation from the stack in our code

            // Here, we are trying to add the map to the cost, ensuring code
            cost += maxp;

        // the below conditional Pushes the character to the stack code
        else {


        // Pushing operation has been completed


    // Now, the Remaining part of the string after we have removed the 
    // max function, we are storing the result in sb
    string sb = "";

    // Here we are trying to find out the remaining string leftover code
    while (stack1.size() > 0)
        sb = sb + stack1.top();

    // Here, we are trying to reverse the string and perform certainly 
    // operations which have been retrieved from the stack data structure
    reverse(sb.begin(), sb.end());

    // Here we are trying to Remove all occurrences of the string minster
    // the for loop which we have created below helps us with looping code
    for (auto &ch : sb) {

        // the if conditional checks if the substring is ministry or not
        if (!stack1.empty()
            && (stack1.top() == minstr[0]
                && ch == minstr[1])) {

            // performing the Pop operation from the stack data structure

            // Here, we are trying to add the map to the cost in our code
            cost += maxp;

        // the else conditional implements the below code if the above 
        // code fails using the small code snippet 
        else {

    // Here, we are trying to return the maximum cost to the main driver
    // code functionality after the function completes its task
    return cost;

// The main driver code functionality starts from here, explaining the 
// concept of Maximize cost of repeated removal of string P or its reverse 
// from the string S    
int main()
    // This is the input string where we will be performing the task on
    string S = "cbbaabbaab";

    // the steps to perform the string operation are written below
    int P = 6;
    int Q = 4;

     // Here we are trying to display the final result after we have 
    // performed the task of Maximize cost of repeated removal of string P
   // or it's reverse from the string S
    cout << MaxCollection(S, P, Q);

    return 0;

// End of the main driver code functionality explaining the concept of
// Maximize the cost of repeated removal of string P or its reverse from the 
// string S












