

通过输入一系列电脉冲,常表示为一个短脉冲(称为“点”)和一个长脉冲(称为“划线”),可以使用摩尔斯码方法进行文本消息的传输。Samuel F. B. Morse在19世纪40年代创造了这种代码,用于他的电报创新中,这是第一台成功使用电磁波进行长距离通信的设备。早期的电报员会按下一个键,上升和下降来传送一系列字符,接收电报员可以从纸带上读取。这个电报员经常位于连接数英里的电报杆线的铁路站点上(后来的操作员通过听取传输内容来学会阅读)。旧版使用点(或,按照电报员听到的声音,称为“di”)表示键下降,后面是字母,而破折号表示连续按下两次的键下降(称为“da”或“di-di”)。破折号、点或其他任何组合都表示字符的文本等效形式。

在19世纪末,摩尔斯码被称为国际摩尔斯电码或欧洲码,随着新的键入技术的普及,一些字母用点和划线的方式稍有不同。但即使到了20世纪60年代,美国仍在使用美国摩尔斯码。关于摩尔斯码的起源,有几个传说。据传Samuel Morse曾前往一家印刷商的公司,计算印刷商对每个字母的印刷字体数量。之后,他将这些数字解释为普通英语文本中每个字母相对频率的粗略估计。他设置了摩尔斯码,使得最短的符号与最常用的字母相对应。因此,英语中使用频率最高的字母E和T分别由一个点或一个划线代表。数字、标点符号和最少见的字母,如J和Y,都具有较长和更复杂的表示形式。









# A sample python script representing how to use the morse code encoder and decoder in python, we have written separate functions for the encoding and decoding operations, along with the supporting functions for those operating functions.

class cipher_decoder_encoder:

# A constructor is written to initialize the class variables which are getting used across the various other functions which are written inside this class. All the class variables are initialized with None in the constructor.
    def __init__(self):
        self.morse_code_dictionary = None
        self.message_to_encode = None
        self.message_to_decode = None
        self.encoded_message = None
        self.decoded_message = None

# A function is written to initialize the morse code dictionary, this fucntions initializes the morse code dict which is getting used to encode or decode the various input strings across the rest of the functions of this class.
    def initialize_morse_code_dict(self):
        # Dictionary representing the morse code chart
        self.morse_code_dictionary = MORSE_CODE_DICT = {'A': '.-', 'B': '-...',
                                                        'C': '-.-.', 'D': '-..', 'E': '.',
                                                        'F': '..-.', 'G': '--.', 'H': '....',
                                                        'I': '..', 'J': '.---', 'K': '-.-',
                                                        'L': '.-..', 'M': '--', 'N': '-.',
                                                        'O': '---', 'P': '.--.', 'Q': '--.-',
                                                        'R': '.-.', 'S': '...', 'T': '-',
                                                        'U': '..-', 'V': '...-', 'W': '.--',
                                                        'X': '-..-', 'Y': '-.--', 'Z': '--..',
                                                        '1': '.----', '2': '..---', '3': '...--',
                                                        '4': '....-', '5': '.....', '6': '-....',
                                                        '7': '--...', '8': '---..', '9': '----.',
                                                        '0': '-----', ', ': '--..--', '.': '.-.-.-',
                                                        '?': '..--..', '/': '-..-.', '-': '-....-',
                                                        '(': '-.--.', ')': '-.--.-'}

# This function is written to get the encoding message from the user which will be encoded using the encrypt function of this class.
    def get_message_to_encode(self):
        print("Enter the message that you want to encode using Morse code cipher::")
        data = input("")
        self.message_to_encode = data

# This is the actual function that will actually perform the encoding or encrypting operation on the input string which is taken as input in the previous function. This function reads the input string char by char and then goes on converting each char to the equivalent morse code char, this conversion of the ordinary char to the morse code char is done with the help of the morse code dictionary which was initialized at the beginning of the program, this conversion of the normal to the equivalent morse code char goes on until the chars in the input string are exhausted, once all the chars in the input string are converted to the equivalent morse code chars, then those converted morse code chars are attached together and a final morse code string is formed and in the end, this string is stored in the relevant class variable.
 # Function to encrypt the string
    # according to the morse code chart
    def encrypt(self):
        message = self.message_to_encode
        cipher = ''
        for letter in the message:
            if letter != ' ':
                # Looks up the dictionary and adds the
                # corresponding morse code
                # along with a space to separate
                # morse codes for different characters
                cipher += self.morse_code_dictionary[letter] + ' '
                # 1 space indicates different characters
                # and 2 indicate different words
                cipher += ' '

        self.encoded_message = cipher

# This function is used to print the string encoded in the previous step. After the successful conversion of the input string to the morse code string this fucntion prints the converted morse code string.
    def print_encoded_message(self):
        print("Encoded message is: {}".format(self.encoded_message))

# This function is written to take input from the user the morse code which the user wants to decode or decrypt using the morse code dictionary. The input string is stored in the relevant class variable which is later used to get the string that needs to be decrypted or decoded.
    def get_message_to_decode(self):
        print("Enter the message that you want to decode using Morse code cipher::")
        data = input("")
        self.message_to_decode = data

# This is the actual function that will actually perform the decoding or decrypting operation on the input string which is taken as input in the previous function. This function reads the morse string char by char and then goes on converting each char to the equivalent normal char, this conversion of the morse char to the ordinary char is done with the help of the morse code dictionary which was initialized at the beginning of the program, this conversion of the morse code char to the equivalent standard char goes on until the chars in the morse string are exhausted, once all the chars in the input morse string are converted to the equivalent normal chars, then those converted chars are attached together and a final decoded string is formed and in the end, this string is stored in the relevant class variable.
    # Function to decrypt the string
    # from morse to English
    def decrypt(self):

        message = self.message_to_decode
        # extra space added at the end to access the
        # last morse code
        message += ' '

        decipher = ''
        citext = ''
        for letter in the message:

            # checks for space
            if (letter != ' '):

                # counter to keep track of space
                i = 0

                # storing morse code of a single character
                citext += letter

            # in case of space
                # if i = 1 that indicates a new character
                i += 1

                # if i = 2 that indicates a new word
                if i == 2:

                    # adding space to separate words
                    decipher += ' '

                    # accessing the keys using their values (reverse of encryption)
                    decipher += list(self.morse_code_dictionary.keys())[list(self.morse_code_dictionary
                    citext = ''

        self.decoded_message = decipher

# This function is used to print the string decoded in the previous step. After the successful conversion of the input morse string to the normal string this fucntion prints the converted string.
def print_decoded_message(self):
        print("Decoded message is: {}".format(self.decoded_message))

#Now in the main function,  an object of the above-written class is created and that object is used to call the various functions which are written inside the class. The main functions provide the user with a menu that consists of various options from which the user can select, the various options that are shown to the user from which you can select one option are, to initialize the morse code dictionary, to enter the string you want to encode/cipher using the morse code technique, To encode the input string, To print the encoded string, To enter the string you want to decode/decipher using the morse code technique, To decode the input string, To print the decoded string after printing all these options the user can select from the any of it and depending upon the choice selected by the user the relevant function is called and the steps inside that function are performed if the called function required some of the input then the code asks the user for that particular input and continues the execution of the code. This displaying of the menu goes on until the user selects the last or the final option which is the exit from the code option. Another option or condition that can cause the code execution to be halted or stopped is that any exception is faced in the code execution.
def main():

    morse_handler = cipher_decoder_encoder()


        # from the listed below the list of operations select any one of the operations
        print("Go on selecting any one of the options")
        print("0. To initialize the morse code dictionary.")
        print("1. To enter the string you want to encode/cipher using the morse code technique.")
        print("2. To encode the input string.")
        print("3. To print the encoded string.")
        print("4. To enter the string you want to decode/decipher using the morse code technique.")
        print("5. To decode the input string.")
        print("6. To print the decoded string.")
        print("7. To exit from the code execution.")

        menu_choice = input()
        menu_choice = int(menu_choice)

        if menu_choice == 0:
        elif menu_choice == 1:
        elif menu_choice == 2:
            print("Input string encoded successfully")
        elif menu_choice == 3:
        elif menu_choice == 4:
        elif menu_choice == 5:
            print("Input string decoded successfully")
        elif menu_choice == 6:
        elif menu_choice == 7:

            "For printing again the choice menu enter y if want to halt enter [n]")
        continue_or_exit = input()

        if continue_or_exit == 'y' or continue_or_exit == 'Y':
        elif continue_or_exit == 'n' or continue_or_exit == 'N':

if __name__ == '__main__':


Go on selecting any one of the options
0. To initialize the morse code dictionary.
1. To enter the string you want to encode/cipher using the morse code technique.
2. To encode the input string.
3. To print the encoded string.
4. To enter the string you want to decode/decipher using the morse code technique.
5. To decode the input string.
6. To print the decoded string.
7. To exit from the code execution.
For printing again the choice menu enter y if want to halt enter [n]
Go on selecting any one of the options
0. To initialize the morse code dictionary.
1. To enter the string you want to encode/cipher using the morse code technique.
2. To encode the input string.
3. To print the encoded string.
4. To enter the string you want to decode/decipher using the morse code technique.
5. To decode the input string.
6. To print the decoded string.
7. To exit from the code execution.
Enter the message that you want to encode using Morse code cipher::
For printing again the choice menu enter y if want to halt enter [n]
Go on selecting any one of the options
0. To initialize the morse code dictionary.
1. To enter the string you want to encode/cipher using the morse code technique.
2. To encode the input string.
3. To print the encoded string.
4. To enter the string you want to decode/decipher using the morse code technique.
5. To decode the input string.
6. To print the decoded string.
7. To exit from the code execution.
Input string encoded successfully
For printing again the choice menu enter y if want to halt enter [n]
Go on selecting any one of the options
0. To initialize the morse code dictionary.
1. To enter the string you want to encode/cipher using the morse code technique.
2. To encode the input string.
3. To print the encoded string.
4. To enter the string you want to decode/decipher using the morse code technique.
5. To decode the input string.
6. To print the decoded string.
7. To exit from the code execution.
Encoded message is: .... . .-.. .-.. ---  -- -.--  -. .- -- .  .. ...  ... .- -- ..- . .-..
For printing again the choice menu enter y if want to halt enter [n]
Go on selecting any one of the options
0. To initialize the morse code dictionary.
1. To enter the string you want to encode/cipher using the morse code technique.
2. To encode the input string.
3. To print the encoded string.
4. To enter the string you want to decode/decipher using the morse code technique.
5. To decode the input string.
6. To print the decoded string.
7. To exit from the code execution.
Enter the message that you want to decode using Morse code cipher::
.... . .-.. .-.. ---  -- -.--  -. .- -- .  .. ...  ... .- -- ..- . .-..
For printing again the choice menu enter y if want to halt enter [n]
Go on selecting any one of the options
0. To initialize the morse code dictionary.
1. To enter the string you want to encode/cipher using the morse code technique.
2. To encode the input string.
3. To print the encoded string.
4. To enter the string you want to decode/decipher using the morse code technique.
5. To decode the input string.
6. To print the decoded string.
7. To exit from the code execution.
Input string decoded successfully
For printing again the choice menu enter y if want to halt enter [n]
Go on selecting any one of the options
0. To initialize the morse code dictionary.
1. To enter the string you want to encode/cipher using the morse code technique.
2. To encode the input string.
3. To print the encoded string.
4. To enter the string you want to decode/decipher using the morse code technique.
5. To decode the input string.
6. To print the decoded string.
7. To exit from the code execution.
The decoded message is: HELLO MY NAME IS SAMUEL
For printing again the choice menu enter y if want to halt enter [n]
Go on selecting any one of the options
0. To initialize the morse code dictionary.
1. To enter the string you want to encode/cipher using the morse code technique.
2. To encode the input string.
3. To print the encoded string.
4. To enter the string you want to decode/decipher using the morse code technique.
5. To decode the input string.
6. To print the decoded string.
7. To exit from the code execution.




  • 莫尔斯码可以通过较低的功率和带宽发送,而其他传统语音通信工具则无法做到这一点,这使它成为紧急情况下有效的通信方法。此外,莫尔斯码对于秘密对话也是一个有用的工具,因为只有精通莫尔斯码的人才能理解这些消息。
  • 学习莫尔斯码可能会为您提供极高的智力丰富度,即使它不再像以前那样具有许多专业用途。通过挑战自己来解码该代码,您可以进行一种思维锻炼,从而提高学习其他有用能力的能力。
  • 个人成就:学习新事物,无论其重要性如何,都可以提高您的自信心并给您一种成功的感觉。因此,了解莫尔斯码可能会提高您的整体自信心,这对您生活中的其他方面可能有所帮助。
  • 鉴于现代技术的发展,莫尔斯码不再是一个可靠的解决方案,因为它很容易解密。更好的技术可以提供更好的传输信息的途径。莫尔斯码的使用在历史上已被应用于各种环境,包括业余无线电和航空业。莫尔斯码正在帮助具有听力和运动问题的人们使用辅助技术进行交流。












