C++ 学生数据管理

C++ 学生数据管理




  1. 姓名和注册号码
  2. CSE10001科目的成绩
  3. CSE10002科目的成绩
  4. 导师ID


# include < fstream >
# include < iostream >
# include < stdio.h >
# include < string.h >
using namespace std ; 


int main ( )
    char data [ 15 ] ;
    int n = 0 , option = 0 , count_n = 0 ;
    // This is the initial mark alloted to a subject.
    string empty = "00" ;
    string proctor = "" ;
    ifstream f ( "Example.txt" ) ;
    string line ; 


for (int i = 0 ; std :: getline ( f , line ) ; + + i ) {
        count_n + + ;

上述 for 循环用于计算文件中的行数。

    while ( option ! = 6 ) {
        // This prints out all the available options in the
        // DB
        cout << " \ n Available operations: \ n1. Add New "
                "Students \ n2 . "
            << "Student Login \ n3 . Faculty Login \ n4 . "
                "Proctor Login \ n5 . Admin View \ n "
            << "6. Exit\nEnter option: " ;
        cin >> option ;


if ( option == 1 ) {
            cout << "Enter the number of students: " ; 
            cin >> n ; 
            count_n = count_n + n ; 
            for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + ) {
                ofstream outfile ;
                outfile.open ( "Example.txt" , ios :: app ) ;
                // The entire data of a single student is
                // stored line-by-line.
                cout << "Enter your registration number: " ;
                cin >> data ;
                outfile << data << " \ t " ;
                cout << "Enter your name: " ;
                cin >> data ;
                int len = strlen ( data ) ; 
                while ( len < 15 ) {
                    data [ len ] = ' ' ;
                    len = len + 1 ;


else if ( option = = 2 ) {
            char regno [ 9 ] ;
            cout << "Enter your registration number: " ;
            cin >> regno ;
            ifstream infile ;
            int check = 0 ;
            infile.open ( "Example.txt" , ios :: in ) ;

            // This loop prints out the data according to
            // the registration number specified.
            while ( infile > > data ) {
                if (strcmp ( data , regno ) = = 0 ) {
                        << " \ n Registration Number: " << data
                        << endl ;
                    infile >> data ;
                    cout << "Name: " << data << endl ;

                    infile >> data ;
                    cout << "CSE10001 mark: " << data
                        << endl ;

                    infile >> data ;
                    cout << "CSE10002 mark: " << data
                        << endl ;

                    infile >> data ;
                    cout << "Proctor ID: " << data << endl ;

                    infile.close ( ) ;
                    check = 1 ;

在上述代码示例中,当用户选择第二个选项2时,else if循环将被执行。注册号码有9个字符的大小,要求用户输入注册号码,然后显示注册号码。接下来,它会要求输入科目的分数。

if ( check = = 0 ) {
                cout << "No such registration number found!"
                    << endl ;


else if ( option == 3 ) {
            char subcode [ 7 ] ;
            cout << "Enter your subject code: ";
            cin >> subcode ;
            string code1 = "CSE10001" ,  code2 =  "CSE10002" ,
                mark = "" ;
            ifstream infile ;
            int check = 0 ;

            cout << " \ n Available operations: \ n1 . Add data "
                    "about marks \ n "
                << "2. View data\nEnter option: " ;
            cin >> option ;

以上的 if 循环只有在用户选择了第三个选项时才会执行。在这种情况下,用户将被要求输入科目代码、可用操作以及查看数据。基本上,这个循环用于查看或添加学生数据库的成绩。

if ( option = = 1 ) {
                    << "Warning! You would need to add mark"
                    << "details for all the students!"
                    << endl ;
                for ( int i = 0 ; i < count_n ; i + + ) {
                    fstream file( "Example.txt" ) ;

                    // The seek in file has been done
                    // according to the length
                    // of the data being inserted. It needs
                    // to adjusted accordingly for different
                    // lengths of data.
                    if ( strcmp ( subcode , code1.c_str ( ) )
                        == 0 ) {
                        file.seekp ( 26 + 37 * i ,
                                std : : ios_base : : beg ) ;
                        cout << " Enter the mark of student# "
                            << ( i + 1 ) << " : " ;
                        cin >> mark ;
                        file.write ( mark.c_str ( ) , 2 ) ;


        else if ( option == 2 ) {
                infile.open ( " Example.txt " , ios : : in ) ;
                if ( strcmp ( subcode , code1.c_str ( ) ) == 0 ) {
                    cout << " Registration number - Marks \ n "
                        << endl ;
                    while ( infile >> data ) {
                        cout << data ;
                        infile >> data ;
                        infile >> data;
                        cout << " - " << data << endl ;
                        infile >> data ;
                        infile >> data ;
                        check = 1 ;
                infile.close ( ) ;
                infile.open ( " Example.txt " , ios : : in ) ;
                if ( strcmp ( subcode , code2.c_str ( ) ) = = 0 ) {
                    cout << " Registration number - Marks \ n"
                        << endl ;
                    while ( infile >> data ) {
                        cout << data ;
                        infile >> data ;
                        infile >> data ;
                        infile >> data ;
                        cout << " - " << data << endl ;
                        infile >> data ;
                        check = 1 ;
            }   infile.close ( ) ;

            if ( check == 0 ) {
                cout << " No such subject code found! "
                    << endl ;


    else if ( option = = 4 ) {
            char procid [ 7 ] ;
            cout << " Enter your proctor ID : " ;
            cin >> procid ;
            int check = 0 ;
            char temp1 [ 100 ] , temp2 [ 100 ] , temp3 [ 100 ] ;
            char temp4 [ 100 ] , id [ 100 ] ;
            ifstream infile ;
            infile.open ( " Example.txt " , ios : : in ) ;

            while ( infile >> temp1 ) {
                infile >> temp2 ;
                infile >> temp3 ;
                infile >> temp4 ;
                infile >> id ;

                if ( strcmp ( id , procid ) = = 0 ) {
                    cout << " \ n Registration Number: "
                        << temp1 << endl ;
                    cout << " Name : " << temp2 << endl ;
                    cout << " CSE1001 Mark : " << temp3
                        << endl ;
                    cout << " CSE1002 Mark : " << temp4
                        << endl ;
                    check = 1 ;

            if ( check == 0 ) {
                cout << " No such proctor ID found! " << endl ;


// This loop acts as an admin view to see all the
        // data in the file. 
        else if ( option = = 5 ) {
            char password [ 25 ] ;
            cout << " Enter the admin password : " ;
            cin >> password ;

            // This variable value can be changed according
            // to your requirement of the administrator
            // password.

            string admin_pass = " admin " ;

            if ( strcmp ( password , admin_pass.c_str ( ) ) = = 0 ) {
                cout << " Reg No.    "
                        " \ t Name \ t CSE10001 \ t CSE10002 \ t Proctor "
                        " ID "
                    << endl ;
                ifstream infile ;
                infile.open ( " Example.txt " , ios : : in ) ;
                char data [ 20 ] ; 
                while ( infile >> data ) {
                    cout << data << " \ t " ;
                    infile >> data ;
                    cout << data << " \ t " ;
                    infile >> data ;
                    cout << data << " \ t " ;
                    infile >> data ;
                    cout << data << " \ t " ;
                    infile >> data ;
                    cout << data << endl ;



// Include all the necessary libraries.
using namespace std;
int main()
    // Considering the max length of data entered (name) to
    // be 15.
    char data[15];
    int n = 0, option = 0, count_n = 0;
    // This is the initial mark alloted to a subject.
    string empty = "00";
    string proctor = "";
    // Name of the file in which DB is stored.
    ifstream f("Example.txt");
    string line;

    // The following for loop counts the total number of
    // lines in the file.
    for (int i = 0; std::getline(f, line); ++i)

    while (option != 6)
        // This prints out all the available options in the
        // DB
        cout << "\nAvailable operations: \n1. Add New "
             << "Student Login\n3. Faculty Login\n4. "
                "Proctor Login\n5. Admin View\n"
             << "6. Exit\nEnter option: ";
        cin >> option;

        if (option == 1)
            cout << "Enter the number of students: ";
            cin >> n;

            count_n = count_n + n;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                ofstream outfile;
                outfile.open("Example.txt", ios::app);
                // The entire data of a single student is
                // stored line-by-line.
                cout << "Enter your registration number: ";
                cin >> data;
                outfile << data << "\t";

                cout << "Enter your name: ";
                cin >> data;
                int len = strlen(data);

                while (len < 15)
                    data[len] = ' ';
                    len = len + 1;
                outfile << data << "\t";
                // Inserting empty data initially into the
                // file
                outfile << empty << "\t";
                outfile << empty << "\t";

                cout << "Enter your proctor ID: ";
                cin >> proctor;

                outfile << proctor << endl;

        else if (option == 2)
            char regno[9];
            cout << "Enter your registration number: ";
            cin >> regno;
            ifstream infile;
            int check = 0;
            infile.open("Example.txt", ios::in);

            // This loop prints out the data according to
            // the registration number specified.
            while (infile >> data)
                if (strcmp(data, regno) == 0)
                        << "\nRegistration Number: " << data
                        << endl;
                    infile >> data;
                    cout << "Name: " << data << endl;

                    infile >> data;
                    cout << "CSE1001 mark: " << data
                         << endl;

                    infile >> data;
                    cout << "CSE1002 mark: " << data
                         << endl;

                    infile >> data;
                    cout << "Proctor ID: " << data << endl;

                    check = 1;

            if (check == 0)
                cout << "No such registration number found!"
                     << endl;

        // This loop is used to view and add marks to the
        // database of a student.
        else if (option == 3)
            char subcode[7];
            cout << "Enter your subject code: ";
            cin >> subcode;
            string code1 = "CSE1001", code2 = "CSE1002",
                   mark = "";
            ifstream infile;
            int check = 0;

            cout << "\nAvailable operations: \n1. Add data "
                    "about marks\n"
                 << "2. View data\nEnter option: ";
            cin >> option;

            if (option == 1)
                    << "Warning! You would need to add mark"
                    << "details for all the students!"
                    << endl;
                for (int i = 0; i < count_n; i++)
                    fstream file("Example.txt");

                    // The seek in file has been done
                    // according to the length
                    // of the data being inserted. It needs
                    // to adjusted accordingly for different
                    // lengths of data.

                    if (strcmp(subcode, code1.c_str()) == 0)
                        file.seekp(26 + 37 * i,
                        cout << "Enter the mark of student#"
                             << (i + 1) << " : ";
                        cin >> mark;
                        file.write(mark.c_str(), 2);

                    if (strcmp(subcode, code2.c_str()) == 0)
                        file.seekp(29 + 37 * i,
                        cout << "Enter the mark of student#"
                             << (i + 1) << " : ";
                        cin >> mark;
                        file.write(mark.c_str(), 2);

            // This loop is used to view marks of a student.
            // The extra infile commands have been used to
            // get a specific mark only since the data has
            // been separated by a tabspace.

            else if (option == 2)
                infile.open("Example.txt", ios::in);
                if (strcmp(subcode, code1.c_str()) == 0)
                    cout << "Registration number - Marks\n"
                         << endl;
                    while (infile >> data)
                        cout << data;
                        infile >> data;
                        infile >> data;
                        cout << " - " << data << endl;
                        infile >> data;
                        infile >> data;
                        check = 1;

                infile.open("Example.txt", ios::in);

                if (strcmp(subcode, code2.c_str()) == 0)
                    cout << "Registration number - Marks\n"
                         << endl;
                    while (infile >> data)
                        cout << data;
                        infile >> data;
                        infile >> data;
                        infile >> data;
                        cout << " - " << data << endl;
                        infile >> data;
                        check = 1;


            if (check == 0)
                cout << "No such subject code found!"
                     << endl;

        // This loop displays all the details of students
        // under the same proctor ID.

        else if (option == 4)
            char procid[7];
            cout << "Enter your proctor ID: ";
            cin >> procid;
            int check = 0;
            char temp1[100], temp2[100], temp3[100];
            char temp4[100], id[100];
            ifstream infile;
            infile.open("Example.txt", ios::in);

            while (infile >> temp1)
                infile >> temp2;
                infile >> temp3;
                infile >> temp4;
                infile >> id;

                if (strcmp(id, procid) == 0)
                    cout << "\nRegistration Number: "
                         << temp1 << endl;
                    cout << "Name: " << temp2 << endl;
                    cout << "CSE1001 Mark: " << temp3
                         << endl;
                    cout << "CSE1002 Mark: " << temp4
                         << endl;
                    check = 1;

            if (check == 0)
                cout << "No such proctor ID found!" << endl;

        // This loop acts as an admin view to see all the
        // data in the file.

        else if (option == 5)
            char password[25];
            cout << "Enter the admin password: ";
            cin >> password;

            // This variable value can be changed according
            // to your requirement of the administrator
            // password.

            string admin_pass = "admin";

            if (strcmp(password, admin_pass.c_str()) == 0)
                cout << "Reg No.     "
                        "\tName\tCSE1001\tCSE1002\tProctor "
                     << endl;
                ifstream infile;
                infile.open("Example.txt", ios::in);
                char data[20];

                while (infile >> data)
                    cout << data << "\t";
                    infile >> data;
                    cout << data << "\t";
                    infile >> data;
                    cout << data << "\t";
                    infile >> data;
                    cout << data << "\t";
                    infile >> data;
                    cout << data << endl;


Available operations: 
1. Add New Students
2. Student Login
3. Faculty Login
4. Proctor Login
5. Admin View
6. Exit
Enter option: 1
Enter the number of students: 2
Enter your registration number: 12BCE2083
Enter your name: Prateek
Enter your proctor ID: 10001
Enter your registration number: 15BCE2022
Enter your name: shubham
Enter your proctor ID: 10002

Available operations: 
1. Add New Students
2. Student Login
3. Faculty Login
4. Proctor Login
5. Admin View
6. Exit
Enter option: 3
Enter your subject code: CSE10001

Available operations: 
1. Add data about marks
2. View data
Enter option: 1
Warning! You would need to add mark details for all the students!
Enter the mark of student#1 : 54
Enter the mark of student#2 : 90
No such subject code found!

Available operations: 
1. Add New Students
2. Student Login
3. Faculty Login
4. Proctor Login
5. Admin View
6. Exit
Enter option: 5
Enter the admin password: admin
Reg No.       Name    CSE1001    CSE1002    Proctor ID
15BCE2083    Prateek    54         00         10001
15BCE2082    Shubham    89         00         10002

Available operations: 
1. Add New Students
2. Student Login
3. Faculty Login
4. Proctor Login
5. Admin View
6. Exit
Enter option: 6 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
(Program exited with code: 0)
Press return to continue











