C++ 二分查找

C++ 二分查找

我们将讨论C++编程语言中的二分查找。二分查找是一种机制,它通过不断将数组分成两半,并从其中一半中查找指定元素来找到给定元素。这个过程一直进行,直到找到匹配项。它仅适用于已排序的数据结构。二分查找算法的时间复杂度为O(log n)。

C++ 二分查找




beg = 0;
end = size - 1;
while ( beg <= end)
// calculate mid value
mid = (beg + end) / 2;
/* if the specified element is found at mid index, terminate the process and return the index. */
// Check middle element is equal to the defined element.
If (aarr[mid] == num)
return mid + 1;
else if (arr[mid] > num)
    End = mid - 1;
Else if (arr [mid] < num)
    Beg = mid + 1;
// If the element does not exist in the array, return -1.
Return -1; 


步骤1: 声明变量并按照排序顺序(升序或降序)输入数组的所有元素。

步骤2: 将数组元素的列表分成两半。

步骤3: 现在将目标元素与数组的中间元素进行比较。如果目标元素的值与中间元素匹配,则返回中间元素的位置并结束搜索过程。

步骤4: 如果目标元素小于中间元素,则在数组的较低半部分搜索元素。

步骤5: 如果目标元素大于中间元素,则需要在数组的较高半部分搜索元素。

步骤6: 我们将重复执行步骤4、5和6,直到在排序后的数组中找到指定的元素。



#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int main ()
    // declaration of the variables and array
    int arr[100], st, mid, end, i, num, tgt;

    cout << " Define the size of the array: " << endl;
    cin >> num; // get size

    // enter only sorted array
        cout << " Enter the values in sorted array either ascending or descending order: " << endl;
    // use for loop to iterate values
    for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
        cout << " arr [" << i << "] = ";
        cin >> arr[i];

    // initialize the starting and ending variable's values
    st = 0;
    end = num - 1; // size of array (num) - 1

    // define the item or value to be search
    cout << " Define a value to be searched from sorted array: " << endl;
    cin >> tgt;

    // use while loop to check 'st', should be less than equal to 'end'.
    while ( st <= end)
        // get middle value by splitting into half
        mid = ( st + end ) / 2;
        /* if we get the target value at mid index, print the position and exit from the program. */
        if (arr[mid] == tgt)
            cout << " Element is found at index " << (mid + 1);
            exit (0); // use for exit program the program
        // check the value of target element is greater than the mid element' value
        else if ( tgt > arr[mid])
            st = mid + 1; // set the new value for st variable

        // check the value of target element is less than the mid element' value
        else if ( tgt < arr[mid])
            end = mid - 1; // set the new value for end variable
    cout << " Number is not found. " << endl;
    return 0;


Define the size of the array: 
Enter the values in sorted array either ascending or descending order:
Arr [0]  = 12
Arr [1]  = 24
Arr [2]  = 36
Arr [3]  = 48
Arr [4]  = 50
Arr [5]  = 54
Arr [6]  = 58
Arr [7]  = 60
Arr [8]  = 72
Arr [9]  = 84
Define a value to be searched from sorted array:
Element is found at index 5   

示例 2: 使用用户定义的函数执行二分搜索的程序

/* program to find the specified element from the sorted array using the binary search in C++. */
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/* create user-defined function and pass different parameters:
arr[] - it represents the sorted array;
num variable represents the size of an array;
tgt variable represents the target or specified variable to be searched in the sorted array. */
int bin_search (int arr[], int num, int tgt)
    int beg = 0, end = num - 1;
    // use loop to check all sorted elements
    while (beg <= end)
        /* get the mid value of sorted array and then compares with target element. */
        int mid = (beg + end) /2;       
        if (tgt == arr[mid])
            return mid; // when mid is equal to tgt value
        // check tgt is less than mid value, discard left element
        else if (tgt < arr[mid])
            end = mid - 1;
        // if the target is greater than the mid value, discard all elements
        else {
            beg = mid + 1;
    // return -1 when target is not exists in the array
    return -1;
int main ()
    // declaration of the arrays
    int arr[] = { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 37, 40};
    int tgt = 25; // specified the target element   
    int num = sizeof (arr) / sizeof (arr[0]);
    // declare pos variable to get the position of the specified element
    int pos = bin_search (arr, num, tgt);   
    if (pos != 1)
        cout << " Element is found at position " << (pos + 1)<< endl;
        cout << " Element is not found in the array" << endl;
    return 0;


Element is found at position 5    

在上面的程序中,我们声明了一个数组arr[] = {5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40},然后我们指定了要从已排序的数组中搜索的数字’25’,使用二分搜索方法。因此,我们创建了一个自定义函数bin_search(),它搜索给定的数字并返回语句”元素位于位置5″。如果该数字在数组中没有定义,bin_search()函数显示”数组中未找到元素”。



/* find the specified number using the binary search technique inside the recursion method. */
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// define a function
int binary_search (int [], int, int, int);
int main ()
    // declaration of the variables
    int i, arr[100], tgt, num, ind, st, end;
    cout << " Define the size of an array: ";
    cin >> num; 
    cout << " Enter " << num << " elements in ascending order: " << endl;
    // use for loop to ieterate the number
    for ( i = 0; i < num; i++)
        cout << " arr [" << i << "] = ";
        cin >> arr[i];
    // define the element to be search
    cout << " \n Enter an element to be searched in ascending array: ";
    cin >> tgt; 
    // ind define the index number
    ind = binary_search (arr, 0, num - 1, tgt); 
    // check for existemce of the specified element
    if (ind == 0)
        cout << tgt << " is not available in the array-list";   
        cout << tgt << " is available at position " << ind << endl;
    return 0;
// function defnition
int binary_search (int arr[], int st, int end, int tgt)
    int mid;
    // check st is greater than end
    if (st > end)
        return 0;
    mid = (st + end) / 2; // get middle value of the sorted array

    // check middle value is equal to target number
    if (arr[mid] == tgt)
        return (mid + 1);
    // check mid is greater than target number
    else if (arr[mid] > tgt)
        binary_search (arr, st, mid - 1, tgt);
    // check mid is less than target number
    else if (arr [mid] < tgt)
        binary_search (arr, mid + 1, end, tgt);


Define the size of an array: 10
Arr [0] = 2
Arr [1] = 4
Arr [2] = 5
Arr [3] = 8
Arr [4] = 12
Arr [5] = 13
Arr [6] = 27
Arr [7] = 36
Arr [8] = 49
Arr [9] = 51

Enter an element to be searched in ascending array: 12
12 is available at position 6.   











