Golang 如何计算矩形的周长
Perimeter of rectangle - 2 * ( L + B )
L - Length of a rectangle
B - Breadth of a rectangle
Perimeter = 2 * (100 + 50) cm
= 2 * (150) cm
= 300 cm
- 步骤1 - 声明长度、宽度和float64数据类型的参数变量。
步骤2 - 从用户获取长度和宽度的输入。
步骤3 - 在函数内使用上述公式找到周长。
步骤4 - 打印结果。
O(1) – 时间复杂度是常数,因为无论输入是什么,程序都将花费相同的时间。
O(1) – 程序中的变量是静态的,所以空间复杂度也是常数。
package main
// fmt package provides the function to print anything
import (
func main() {
// declaring the floating variables using the var keyword for
// storing the length and breadth also a variable to store Perimeter
var length, breadth, Perimeter float64
fmt.Println("Program to find the perimeter of a rectangle.")
// initializing the length of a rectangle
length = 30
// initializing the breadth of a rectangle
breadth = 10.4
// finding the Perimeter of a rectangle
Perimeter = 2.0 * (length + breadth)
// printing the result
fmt.Println("Length = ", length, "\nBreath =", breadth, "\nPreimeter of the Rectangle = ", Perimeter, "cm.")
fmt.Println("(Finding the Perimeter of a circle within the function)")
Program to find the perimeter of a rectangle.
Length = 30
Breath = 10.4
Preimeter of the Rectangle = 80.8 cm.
(Finding the Perimeter of a circle within the function)
- var length, breadth, Perimeter float64 - 在这行代码中,我们声明了后面要使用的长度、宽度和周长。由于长度、宽度或周长可能是小数,所以我们使用了浮点数据类型。
Perimeter = 2.0 * (length + breadth) - 在这行代码中,我们应用了公式并找到了周长。
`fmt.Println(“Length = “, length, “\nBreath =”, breadth, “\nPreimeter of the Rectangle = “, Perimeter, “cm.”) - 打印矩形的周长。
步骤1 - 声明长度、宽度和浮点类型的周长变量。
步骤2 - 从用户处获取长度和宽度的输入。
步骤3 - 调用函数,并将长度和宽度作为参数,存储函数返回的周长。
步骤4 - 打印结果。
package main
// fmt package provides the function to print anything
import (
func perimeterOfRectangle(length, breadth float64) float64 {
// returning the perimeter of a rectangle using the formula
return 2 * (length + breadth)
func main() {
// declaring the floating variables using the var keyword for
// storing the length and breadth also a variable to store parameter
var length, breadth, perimeter float64
fmt.Println("Program to find the perimeter of a rectangle.")
// taking the length of a rectangle as input from the user
fmt.Print("Please enter the length of a rectangle:")
// taking the breadth of a rectangle as input from the user
fmt.Print("Please enter the breadth of a rectangle: ")
// calling the perimeter of rectangle function by passing the respective parameter
// and storing the result
perimeter = perimeterOfRectangle(length, breadth)
// printing the result
fmt.Println("The perimeter of a rectangle whose length is", length, "and the breadth is", breadth, "is", perimeter, "cm.")
fmt.Println("(Finding the perimeter of a circle in different function)")
Program to find the perimeter of a rectangle.
Please enter the length of a rectangle:20.5
Please enter the breadth of a rectangle: 10
The parameter of a rectangle whose length is 20.5 and the breadth is 10 is 61 cm.
(Finding the perimeter of a circle in different function)
- var length, breadth, Perimeter float64 − 在这行代码中,我们声明了稍后要使用的长度、宽度和周长。由于长度、宽度或周长可以是小数,所以我们使用了 float 类型的数据。
fmt.Scanln( &length) − 从用户输入中获取长度的值。
fmt.Scanln( &breadth) − 从用户输入中获取宽度的值。
perimeter = perimeterOfRectangle(length, breadth) − 在这行代码中,我们调用了一个函数,用于计算矩形的周长。
fmt.Println("The perimeter of a rectangle whose length is", length, "and the breadth is", breadth, "is", perimeter, "cm.")
− 打印矩形的周长。
这是在 Golang 中计算矩形周长的两种方法。第二种方法在模块化和代码可重用性方面更好,我们可以在项目中的任何地方调用该函数。要了解更多关于 Go 的信息,您可以查阅这些 教程 。