Golang 如何打印ASCII值
- 步骤1 - 声明string类型的变量
步骤2 - 初始化变量
步骤3 - 运行for循环,打印字符串中每个元素的ASCII值
package main
// fmt package provides the function to print anything
import (
func main() {
// declaring the variable of string type using the var keyword
var introduction string
// initializing the introduction string
introduction = "TutorialsPoint"
fmt.Println("ASCII of ",introduction,"is")
// printing the ASCII value of each character using %d specifier
for i := 0; i < len(introduction); i++ {
fmt.Printf("The ASCII value of %c is %d \n", introduction[i], introduction[i])
fmt.Println("(Printing the ASCII value using specifier)")
ASCII of TutorialsPoint is
The ASCII value of T is 84
The ASCII value of u is 117
The ASCII value of t is 116
The ASCII value of o is 111
The ASCII value of r is 114
The ASCII value of i is 105
The ASCII value of a is 97
The ASCII value of l is 108
The ASCII value of s is 115
The ASCII value of P is 80
The ASCII value of o is 111
The ASCII value of i is 105
The ASCII value of n is 110
The ASCII value of t is 116
(Printing the ASCII value using specifier)
- var introduction string − 在这一行中,我们声明了一个字符串类型的变量introduction,用于存储用户输入的内容。
for i := 0; i < len(introduction); i++ {} − 循环遍历完整字符串,从0到字符串的长度。
fmt.Printf(“The ASCII value of %c is %d \n”, introduction[i], introduction[i]) − 使用%d来打印字符串中每个元素的ASCII值。
步骤 1 − 声明一个字符串类型的变量。
步骤 2 − 通过创建一个reader对象来接受用户的输入。
步骤 3 − 运行循环,为字符串中的每个元素打印ASCII值。
package main
// fmt package provides the function to print anything
import (
func main() {
// declaring the variable of string type using the var keyword
var dateOfBirth string
fmt.Println("Can you please write down your Date of Birth?")
// scanning the input by the user
inputReader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
dateOfBirth, _ = inputReader.ReadString('\n')
// remove the delimiter from the string
dateOfBirth = strings.TrimSuffix(dateOfBirth, "\n")
// printing the ASCII value of each character using %d specifier
for i := 0; i < len(dateOfBirth); i++ {
fmt.Println("The ASCII value of", string(dateOfBirth[i]), "is", int(dateOfBirth[i]))
fmt.Println("(Printing the ASCII value using Type Casting)")
Can you please write down your Date of Birth?
The ASCII value of 2 is 50
The ASCII value of 7 is 55
The ASCII value of / is 47
The ASCII value of 0 is 48
The ASCII value of 5 is 53
The ASCII value of / is 47
The ASCII value of 1 is 49
The ASCII value of 9 is 57
The ASCII value of 9 is 57The ASCII value of 3 is 51
(Printing the ASCII value using Type Casting)
- var introduction 字符串 - 在这一行中,我们声明了一个字符串类型的变量introduction,它将保存来自用户的输入。
inputReader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
introduction, _ = inputReader.ReadString(‘\n’) - 创建一个读取器对象并从用户获取输入。
- for i := 0; i < len(introduction); i++ {} - 在完整的字符串上运行一个从0到字符串长度的for循环。
fmt.Println(“The ASCII value of”, string(dateOfBirth[i]), “is”, int(dateOfBirth[i])) - 使用类型转换概念,打印字符串中每个元素的ASCII值,如:int(dateOfBirth[i])。
这是在Golang中打印ASCII值的两种方法。要了解更多关于Go的信息,您可以探索这些 教程 。