Golang 如何找到圆的周长
Perimeter of Circle - 2 * 22 / 7 * r
r - radius of a Circle
例如,一个圆的半径是10厘米,所以圆的周长是 –
perimeter = 2 * 22 / 7 * 10
= 62.8571428
步骤1 - 声明半径和周长变量的浮点64位数据类型。
步骤2 - 使用相应的值初始化半径变量。
步骤3 - 在函数内使用上面的公式找到周长。
步骤4 - 打印结果。
Time Complexity:
Space Complexity:
package main
// fmt package provides the function to print anything
import (
func main() {
// declaring the floating variables using the var keyword for
// storing the radius of the circle also a variable perimeter to store perimeter
var radius, perimeter float64
fmt.Println("Program to find the perimeter of a Circle.")
// initializing the radius of a circle
radius = 5
// finding the perimeter of a Circle using the formula
// and stored in the perimeter variable of float64 type
perimeter = 2 * (22 / 7.0) * radius
// printing the result
fmt.Println("The perimeter of a Circle whose radius is", radius, "=", perimeter, "cm.")
fmt.Println("(Finding the perimeter of a circle within the function)")
Program to find the perimeter of a Circle.
The perimeter of a Circle whose radius = 5 is 31.428571428571427 cm.
(Finding the perimeter of a circle within the function)
- var radius,perimeter float64 - 在这行代码中,我们声明了后面将要使用的半径和周长。由于半径和周长可以是小数,我们使用了float数据类型。
perimeter = 2 * (22 / 7.0) * radius - 在这行代码中,我们应用了公式,计算并找到了周长。
fmt.Println(“The perimeter of a Circle whose radius is”, radius, “is”, perimeter, “cm.”)
- 打印出一个圆的周长。
步骤1 - 声明半径和周长的变量,类型为float64。
步骤2 - 将radius变量初始化为相应的值。
步骤3 - 调用函数并将半径作为参数,将函数返回的周长存储起来。
步骤4 - 打印结果。
package main
// fmt package provides the function to print anything
import (
// function has a perimeter of float64 type and has a return type of loat64
func perimeterOfCircle(radius float64) float64 {
// returning the perimeter by applying the formula
return 2 * (22 / 7.0) * radius
func main() {
// declaring the floating variables using the var keyword for
// storing the radius of the circle also a variable perimeter to store perimeter
var radius, perimeter float64
fmt.Println("Program to find the perimeter of a Circle.")
// initializing the radius of a circle
radius = 5
// finding the perimeter of a Circle using a separate function
perimeter = perimeterOfCircle(radius)
// printing the result
fmt.Println("The perimeter of a Circle whose radius is", radius, "is", perimeter, "cm.")
fmt.Println("(Finding the perimeter of a circle in the separate function)")
Program to find the perimeter of a Circle.
The perimeter of a Circle whose radius = 5 is 31.428571428571427 cm.
(Finding the perimeter of a circle in the separate function)
- var radius, perimeter float64 − 在这一行中,我们声明了稍后将要使用的半径和周长。由于半径或周长可以是小数,我们使用了浮点数数据类型。
radius = 5 − 初始化圆的半径。
perimeter = perimeterOfCircle(radius) − 在这行代码中,我们调用了一个函数,该函数用于计算圆的周长。
fmt.Println(“The perimeter of a Circle whose radius is”, radius, “=”, perimeter, “cm.”)
− 打印圆的周长。